TSP in Go

My Introduction to the Go language Go has long intrigued me. When doing research on the Border Gateway Protocol I stumbled upon the creator of https://bgp.tools GitHub and he had several projects written in the language. Since this person was writing in Go, it must have some utility, I thought. Since then I had wanted to do something with the language but Inever had a good reason for it. After I completed my undergrad, I tried doing codecademy courses on Go.
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Senior Capstone - Car Crash Analysis

Alaska Car Crash Analysis For my Senior Capstone project at UAA I worked with two other undergraduate students to find meaningful insights into car crash data to inform Alaska Department of Transportation policy. We also developed a web application to aid further research by allowing users who are unfamiliar with programming to explore and analyze the crash data. My contributions to the project includes the pre-processing and addition of data categorizing crashes into urban, rural, and suburban areas, as well as being the lead developer for the web app.
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The Traveling Salesman Problem

Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with the Genetic Algorithm in C++ For an undergrad AI class, I wrote a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) in C++. I implemented several different operators for Selection, Crossover, and Mutation, 40 permuations of these operators can be used. TravelingSalesmanGAReport.pdf https://github.com/UnderYourSpell/TravelingSalesmanGA Speed vs. Accuracy: Heuristic Travling Salesman Problem Approaches During my undergrad, I also co-authored a paper on different heuristic methods for solving the TSP.
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BGP and Internet Access in the Circumpolar North

Understanding the Internet Backbone in the Circumpolar North I was the lead author on a paper addressing internet access in the circumpolar north that addressed BGP and ASes. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the protocol that governs communcation between Networks (also called Autonomous Systems) or ASes. These networks are administered by Internet Service Providers or ISPs. I presented the paper at INFOCOM 2024 in Kingston, ON, Canada. I also presented a posterboard version of the paper at the Murdock Undergraduate Science Conference 2024 in Vancouver, WA.
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Mobile Virtual Graphing Caluclator

MVGCalc I was part of a team that for a Software Engineering class in my undergrad built a graphing calculator for mobile phones. It can do basic operations, as well as graphing, and also has a unit converter. The majority of my work on the project was how we take input, process it, then give the user an output. I also implemented a data persistence solution and the entire unit converter - frontend and backend.
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